Modern Day Priestess® Training

Rise Forth!!
- YOU, as Contribution of your Unique Gifts and Talents…
- YOU, as a Radiant atmosphere of Possibility and Truth…
- YOU, deeply aligned with your Highest Self, in absolute flow with and as the One…
- YOU, as a powerful Mover + Shaker, birthing, growing, establishing what only YOU can deliver…
- YOU, a Modern Mystic – with adroit Understanding of the Mechanics of the Universe – Seen + Unseen – working with, weaving with nimble Discernment and facile Acumen.
- YOU, allowing the Remembering to Pour Forth, here + now, creating a World that Works for EveryOne…
This just might be the year to opt-in to this vital, current-day, modern-mystery-school Training for Women. You and the stellar women who join you, will be the generation of 2019…
You, in the deepest yearnings of your beautiful sacred Soul, along with this modern-day world in which you live, are yearning for your emergence – to actualize, to be, and to express what you came here for…
JOIN US, the Ones Who Are Remembering… with Love, abiding Peace, deep Understanding and overflowing Inspiration..
Join the Institute of Modern Wisdom Community and founder Rev. Kate Rodger, PhD(c). and Certified IMW Teacher Trainers this fall for a 10-Moon Training that will simply change everything about who you are in the world.
This work goes well beyond ‘finding your path’ ~ it is no less than tapping into the deepest aspects of your Soul, your Divinity, your connection to the Absolute Nature of Who You Brilliantly Are, bringing you into the full Radiance of You – – an unfettered, clear and whole Being here to deeply abide by and from the eternal Wisdom encoded within…
The Priestess Training differs in from the Alchemist(for men) Training in respect that it invites the Modern Day Conscious Woman to fully access her radiant, deeply-imbued capacity to work multi-dimensionally with ease and grace, while living a life of vibrant contribution and abundant receptivity. We honor the Sacred Feminine as she experiences the uniqueness of inherent qualities of her own Self… Intuitive Flow, Inspired Creativity, Generosity, Seeing Through Appearances and Veils of Illusion, healthy, vibrant, honoring Inter-dependence of Communion with herSelf and the Beloveds in her life…. living from Inspiration rather than simply coping with surface phenomena… We have been so well-groomed to live a life activated in our Masculine Energetic (albeit, a bit unbalanced)…it’s time to waken, and in many cases – heal/reveal – the sweet, powerful, unfettered Feminine. A focus, a rooting, which can only speak to and for the Feminine Experience….just as in our Modern Day Alchemist® Program for men – we are committed to honoring what is so wanting to evolve as Modern Day Humans in our particular trajectories, with our lineages, our soul journeys, our stories, and our Callings.
The Intention behind and the Invitation to You regarding these Trainings is to align as the Modern Conscious Woman into a deep understanding and embodiment of your walk in this lifetime as not only the living radiance of the Divine Feminine, but to provide pragmatic tools which evoke, activate and place you in intimate communion with the innate multi-dimensional Self and all living beings. We study Prayer, Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, the Sacred Feminine, the Mechanics of the Universe, Visioning, Circle work, the Esoteric, Women’s Cycles, Energy Work, Pranayam, Sound Healing, Goddess Archetypes, Practical Mysticism, Shamanism, Nature Spirits, Spirit Guides, how to lead event/retreats, Earth Medicine, Ancestral and Ancient Wisdom and more…
In this Training you will integrate Ageless Wisdom Tools to help ground you in your practices and understandings (such as Alchemy Prayer®, Pranic Breathwork®, Shamanic work, and so much more. We activate the Ancient Wisdom Ways for practical, grounded, use in this modern-day technocratic world we are currently experiencing. We meet online – New Online Cirrculium coming Fall 2019. In between our sessions, you will be vibrantly engaged in projects, assignments, invitations, support calls, and/or spiritual practices.
Yes, there are Required and Recommended Reading Lists – which you receive upon Registration.
In our final week, we come together for Initiation – from all over the planet, past and present Modern Day Priestess Initiates, in a weekend of anchoring-in to What You Have Said Yes To and profound Love and Celebration; you will be seen, honored, and amplified, just as in true Mystery School fashion.
Essentially, we’re bringing the Mystic out of the proverbial closet and settin’ her loose on the streets, equipped with a Vibrant Consciousness, practical tools, oriented in the Boundless Wisdom of her Heart. It’s time Ladies: let’s ROCK!
Dates for 2019/2020 Trainings ~ We Begin October 27, 2019
This Modern Day Priestess® Training, with a sincere YES, will Open You to Your Birth-Right AMAZINGNESS, as you’ve not yet here-to-fore known …doesn’t mean it will always be comfortable…always will mean your Soul’s brilliance is at hand, guiding you perfectly…
Tuition & Enrollment
*An application is required & a complimentary 15-min call with an IMW Certified Wisdom Practitioner/Priestess or Mentor will happen prior to registration to verify that this is the right fit for You. This is an incredibly activating, transformative, provocative Portal and Training-in-Consciousness. This investment and exploration in and of yourself will ask you to go deeper than you may have ever gone; it will require your soul’s authentic engagement. We are fundamentally in service to the exposure, strengthening, and evolutionary growth of your SOUL so that you may be a dynamic force of GOOD in our world – for yourself and for the collective. Obviously it is not to be taken lightly, as we do not take your Yes lightly. It will not always be “fun” or comfortable; your soul will demand your excellence. This doesn’t mean ‘perfection’ by societal standards – this means literally OPENING UP to the inherent BRILLIANCE OF YOU.
Please consider that this Training may not be for You if now is not the time for this kind of evocative growth!
We Currently Have an Early Bird Enrollment Special Through – August 15, 2019.

Payment Plan: $2700 ($700 deposit + 5 payments of $400)
*Non-Refundable Deposit $700 to be paid before August 15, 2019.
Due in installments by credit card. $700.00 deposit due before September 15, 2019. – With your deposit, please indicate that this is what you are choosing ~
*Your first payment of $400 is due by October 5th, 2019. The remaining payments are due on the 5th of each following month and will be deducted AUTOMATICALLY via credit card.
Refund Policy: All requests to withdraw from the course must be received in writing. Those withdrawing prior to August 15, 2019 are eligible for a refund, minus a non-refundable $700 deposit. You may choose to transfer this to the following year’s Training minus a $250 administrative fee. Those withdrawing after August 15, 2019 but before the start of the 2nd online zoom meeting are eligible for a partial refund, minus fixed course costs which include administration fees, materials fees, and prorated sections of the course already taken.
Weekly Modules always begin Sunday, for 10 moons, once a week, with assignments given on a weekly basis. *if you have an issue with one of the weekly modules, notify us so we can work with you –
Your course fee includes:
- Over 500 hours of on-going mentorship, support, and training by multiple Trainers/Mentors in-between the times we gather for the seasonal Immersions.
- Training-in-Consciousness enabling you to live a Mystically Practical Multi-dimensional life, anchored in Spiritual Principle and Universal Law, and evoking Ancient Wisdom Modalities such as Pranayam (Breath-work) and deep Soul Work (enabling past-life awareness and the capacity to clear one’s own lineage constrictions).
Supportive Conference and Training calls in between our Immersions.
- While this particular MDP Training is for EVERYONE who is ready to get this real and go this deep, if you so choose to become a Certified Practitioner of the Healing Modalities (including Circle Work), after Initiation the Certification Process will be available to you.
- *Upon Initiation, invitation to be a part of monthly Priestess Prayer Calls, invitation to the Certification and/or Teacher-Training processes, and invites to all private Priestess gatherings, retreats, and sacred journeys with a deeply sacred, fun, and incredible group of conscious, contribution-oriented women and men who’ve gone through the Alchemist Training.
You are responsible for completing:
- An initial application, a complimentary 15-min call with one of the IMW Certified Wisdom Teacher Trainers or Mentors to verify that this provocative, immersive, and tremendously evocative Training is the right fit for You at this point in your Spiritual Awakening Journey.
Weekly Modules – begining Sunday October 27, 2019, for 10 moons, meeting once a week in our Zoom meeting room.
- At least one session with Rev. Kate or a Certified Wisdom Practitioner Priestess/Alchemist; each Immersion Module builds upon the previous, so it’s vital that you experience each one.
- Required Readings, all assignments.

Kate Rodger, PhD
Kate Rodger, PhD is the founder and Spiritual Director of the Modern Day Mystery School, Institute of Modern Wisdom. For over 15 years, Kate studied under the tutelage of Dr. Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith of Agape International Spiritual Center, which holds her license. She has been steeped in practical New Thought teachings and has experienced deep immersions in various indigenous Elders and Mystics from Africa to the Amazon, and the Far East to home, here in North America with Cherokee clan leader, the Venerable Dhyani Ywahoo.
Rev. Kate has been leading world-wide Sacred Journeys and Retreats since 2002 and is deeply committed to the legacy and intelligence of the Ageless Mystery School practices. She has been called an “Alchemist of Delight”, infusing humor, wisdom, and mystical union into the heart of each program she offers. Rev. Kate specializes in the pragmatic capacity of working multi-dimensionally to facilitate the human experience ~ in Animal and Plant Spirit Medicines, with the Angelic Realm, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters, in the Sacred Geometry of Sound, Shamanic use of the Breath, and in bridging Ancient Wisdom Ways of Earth Medicine Traditions with Modern Day practical technologies through the Modern Day Priestess and Alchemist Trainings she created in 2006. She is deeply committed to Right Relationship, beginning with the Self, extending to All of our Relations.

Marianne Mitchell, MDP, MWP
Marianne Mitchell is an IMW-Certified Modern Wisdom Practitioner, KRI-Certified Aquarian Teacher of Kundalini Yoga, Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, Ancient Wisdom Teacher, and a Spiritual Counselor. She holds a variety of additional certifications and trainings.
Marianne is Director of Certification and Director of Sacred Ceremony for the Institute of Modern Wisdom as well as being a member of the IMW Elder Council and Director of the Practitioner Core.
With a thriving private practice in Asheville, NC, she works with both individuals and groups, and regularly teaches tele-classes on spirituality and healing. She also co-facilitiates seasonal cleanses, as well as co-teaching the 2015/16 Modern Day Priestess® Training.
She is extraordinarily gifted in weaving together a rich toolkit of modalities, including intuitive guidance and wholistic consulting to support individuals and groups at the level of mind, body and spirit to hold each one in Remembering more fully who they are.
Marianne offers private sessions, distance sessions, Divine Feminine Shamanic Circles, Shamanic Men’s Council, Co-ed Mystic Circles®, Kundalini Yoga, and Meditation Classes.
She also offers Land Ceremonies and Blessings as well as Rites of Passage for all stages of life.

Prakash Flagg, MDP, MWP
Prakash Flagg is a Certified Practitioner with the Institute of Modern Wisdom, a graduate of the Master’s Level Certification Curriculum with The Four Winds Society of Shamanic studies in the Peruvian Q’ero tradition, a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher, a Reiki Master, a Certified Crystal Healer, a Certified Gong Healing Practitioner, and a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Prakash’s desired intention and mission is to be a Light in the dark for others who are looking for support and guidance. She is in service to inspire, support and empower you in a safe, nurturing and compassionate environment, to move forward in your life with a solid foundation. Prakash is here to lead you to discover the opening, beyond circumstances and stories, to living your greater purpose and potential, to be the facilitator of your own life, to build your future, right here and now, to live “your” life of and in JOY in each present moment, breath by breath and in the in between moments.
She weaves in a myriad of healing modalities which may include Sound, Toning, Guided Meditation, Grief and Inspirational Coaching, Transformational Breath®, Pranayam, Kundalini Yoga, Shamanic/Mystic Ancient practices, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Ceremony, Sacred Drama, Aromatherapy, Touch Therapy and Theta Healing. She supports people of all ages and traumas transform their lives, connect in their bodies and experience their wholeness. Moving out of the past and into present moment awareness.
Prakash is also committed to assist people who are transitioning beyond this world and in supporting their loved ones during the dying process.
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If you are interested in the Modern Day Priestess® Training or have questions please fill out this form below or email
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