30 Years of Silence.
Today is the day, today is the day, today is the day, today is the day are words that keep ricocheting in my head. I’ve been staving-off this moment with an intention of having all my ducks in a row, all frayed ends in my being neatly tended to.
0° of Separation
Like so many of us particularly sensitive, empathic beings on our beloved Planet… I’ve been attempting to weave some kind of internal articulation around the phenomenal active Hate riddling
Holy Anger
The Waves here at the beach are extra-ordinarily tumultuous today.
Coming fast and hard. Crashing with loud booms. Screaming toward the sky. Mama is speaking.
The Sandbox Just Got Real
Three decades ago, as a wide-eyed, grass-is-greener-on-the-other-side-of-the-planet teenager, I cashed-in on my very first vehicle, took the money and flew as fast as I could to what I considered must be utopia: The Far East.
Spirituality 101
Before you were you, you were an idea in the Mind of the Infinite Creative, the One Impulse which is forever unfurling Itself through and as All. The same Intelligence which birthed Itself into existence as the galaxies, solar systems, stars and multi-verses was so interested in what may be
Sacred Chaos
The Big Bang. A Dark Night of the Soul. The Bottom Fell Out. The Sh*t Hit the Fan! Mercury’s in Retrograde (heck – 5 Planets in Retrograde!). Full Moon. New Moon. Solar Flares.