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Modern Wisdom Practitioners

Cheryl Leutjen
Author • Speaker • Love Earth Emissary
Cheryl Leutjen’s deep love of Earth, as well as her hope for a bright future for her children, fuel her passion for responding to the ecological upheavals of our time with heart, hope, humor, and spiritual practice. Cheryl writes to share her experiences about on the razor’s edge between Earth-mindfulness and eco-madness, not because she’s got it all figured out, but in solidarity with anyone else who’s fumbling along the path of more conscientious living.
She draws from her experience as a geologist, attorney, small business owner, spiritual practitioner, wife and mother to claw her way out of the abyss of eco-despair. She seeks solace from the sages in Nature who reveal the wisdom she needs to navigate a more Earth-loving path.
Cheryl credits the Modern Day Priestess training with Reverend Kate Rodger, steeping in ancient wisdom ways for practical use in the modern world, for inspiring the spiritual growth that now guides her Love Earth work.
She resides in Los Angeles, where she takes copious yoga classes, digs up the yard and throws a lot of darts as therapy. She serves on the Board of Directors of the North East Trees nonprofit organization.
She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, two children, her muse Atlas Cedar, and three cats who care not one whit about any of her credentials.
For more information, follow Cheryl at: www.CherylLeutjen.com

Marianne Mitchell
Ceremonialist • Animist • Visionary
Marianne Mitchell is an IMW-Certified Modern Wisdom Practitioner, KRI-Certified Aquarian Teacher of Kundalini Yoga, Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner, Ancient Wisdom Teacher and Spiritual Counselor. She holds a variety of other certifications and trainings. Marianne works with individuals and groups, teaches a number of tele-classes on spirituality and healing, co-facilitiates seasonal cleanses as well as co-teaching the 2015/16 Modern Day Priestess® Training. She is Director of Certification and Director of Sacred Ceremony for the Institute of Modern Wisdom as well as a member of the Elder Council and Director of the Practitioner Core.
Currently in private practice in the Asheville, NC area, Marianne weaves together an immense toolkit of modalities, including intuitive guidance and wholistic consulting to support individuals and groups at the level of mind, body and spirit to hold each one in remembering more fully who they are. Marianne offers private sessions, distance sessions, Divine Feminine Shamanic Circles, Shamanic Men’s Council, Co-ed Mystic Circles®, Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Classes. She also offers Land Ceremonies and Blessings as well as Rites of Passage for all stages of life.
For more information, follow Marianne at: http://appalachianpriestess.com/

Mary Lucas Duman
Life Muse • Ecstatic • Artist
Mary Duman received her nutritional training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. She is a Certified Health Counselor, Certified Natural Health Practitioner, and Certified Raw Food Chef. She also holds a Diploma in Homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy and a Digestive Health Specialist Diploma from the Loomis Institute. Mary completed her health practitioner training as an intern at Classic Homeopathy with Ronald Frank, D.H.M. She also completed her Modern Day Priestess training and is a certified Modern Wisdom Practitioner.
For more information, follow Mary at: http://inspirednaturalhealing.com/

Prakash Flagg
Mystic • Yogi • Alchemist
Her Mission and Intention
Prakash’s desired intention and mission is to be a Light in the dark for others who are looking for support and guidance, who may feel hopeless, unsafe, pain, fear, anxiety, isolation, stress, heartache, betrayal, lost, confused and frozen emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
She is in service to inspire, support and empower you in a safe, nurturing and compassionate environment, to move forward in your life with a solid foundation.
Prakash is here to lead you to discover the opening, beyond circumstances and stories, to living your greater purpose and potential, to be the facilitator of your own life, to build your future, right here and now, to live “your” life of and in JOY in each present moment, breath by breath and in the in between moments.
She weaves in a myriad of healing modalities which may include Sound, Toning, Guided Meditation, Grief and Inspirational Coaching, Transformational Breath®, Pranayam, Kundalini Yoga, Shamanic/Mystic Ancient practices, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Ceremony, Sacred Drama, Aromatherapy, Touch Therapy and Theta Healing,
Each session is anchored in Miracle Consciousness, and held in the most reverent, sacred, safe, and nurturing environment of unconditional love whether we meet in person, remote, in a corporate setting, in a group or in a private session.
She supports people of all ages and traumas transform their lives, connect in their bodies and experience their wholeness. Moving out of the past and into present moment awareness.
Prakash is also committed to assist people who are transitioning beyond this world and in supporting their loved ones during the dying process.
Her formal training…….
Master’s Level Certification Curriculum – The Four Winds Society of Shamanic studies in the Peruvian Q’ero tradition
Certified Practitioner with the Institute of Modern Wisdom in Ancient Mystery School teachings
KRI Certified Aquarian Teacher of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan
Reiki Master Certified with Joanne Crespo at the Open Center in NY
Certified Crystal Healer with Hibiscus Moon
Certified Gong Healing Practitioner with Mehtab Benson
Certified Theta Healing Practitioner
Certified Transformational Breath® Facilitator and Group Leader
Licensed Massage Therapist #33346
I continue to do my personal work and deepen my daily practice.
I am a walking meditation in human form
I live in Gratitude and the Awe and Wonder of all life.
For more information, follow Prakash at: www.aumalchemy.com