Audio Courses

Prayer Alchemy

This Technology is not your typical engagement with Prayer – – – this is a deep deep dive into the mechanics of Creation through speaking the Holy Word, with Clarity, Attention, and Intention.
This is a Technology of Alchemy, of Remembrance, of remembering yourself as the Divine – – and pristinely and powerfully ALIGNING with the Truth of your Being. This is where Science meets Spirituality.

Mechanics of the Multiverse

This Mechanics of the Universe LIVE Tele-course is about understanding the Nature of the Universe and its Laws for practical application. It’s a powerful opportunity to get really clear on what Spiritual Principle is (Fundamental, Immutable Cosmic Truth) and how to amplify these Truths in your everyday life through the use of Law.
Basic Principles include Abundance, Love, Beauty, Power, Freedom, Wholeness, One, Peace, etc. Law, being the activity of that which we call God – is utterly the response of the Universe to Consciousness – your consciousness. When you strengthen your Consciousness, anchored in Truth, oriented in the Heart, and understand how to USE your consciousness, it becomes possible for you to create life inspired from your soul’s directives and your heart’s desires.

40 Day Abundance

Ever WISH you could meet in the Cave of Infinite Creativity + Manufacture the Life of your SoulDreams??? Here’s Your Chance. This course takes it to the Streets of your inherent, brilliantly encoded Potential….
If you are serious about enlivening your Consciousness and liberating the flow in all areas of your live, this Course just might be the most powerful gift you can give yourself right now. Showing up day after day for 40 days is a potent commitment, and can only enrich your life, loosening constrictions that have kept you bound, returning pressed down and overflowing with dynamic activation, liberation, and TRUE ABUNDANCE, which IS your essential Nature.

21 Days of Bliss

We will be traveling together for 21 days, opening up to more Soul Truth, more Unquenchable Vitality, more Rooted Inspiration so that you may fortify, fuel, and inform all aspects of your life throughout each day. How wonderful will it be for you to start your day (or if listening before sleeping, dive into dreamtime…) informed and amplified by your fundamental magnificence?
There actually are fundamental changeless Truths that are always available for you to access. This is a course to nourish, vitalize, empower, and enliven the non-negotiable TRUTHS of your Primary Nature. Humans seek and speak all the time about releasing this or that, detoxing, what needs to be fixed… what if we simply dove right in and amplified what is your native birthright, your inherent brilliance? 21 Days of Morning Bliss! is an enriching attunement you will be able to visit and revisit whenever and wherever you are guided to do so.