In 2014, Paola met Rev. Kate in a completely synchronistic, friend of friend, warm social media introduction. Since that moment, Paola immersed herself in every online tele-course IMW had to offer and encouraged others (like her own Mother) to engage and experience Sacred Mystic Circles® in Berkeley, CA led by Kate.
Paola truly loved soaking in the exuberance Kate emitted in her teachings and actions. Later in 2016, when Modern Day Priestess® Training announced they were open for enrollment, Paola knew she wanted to be apart of it. She was inspired and started a GoFundMe account, asking for pledges to help her raise money to put a deposit down for the training. With much success in asking for support, she completed the Modern Day Priestess® Training in 2017/18.
With a semi-religious Catholic upbringing, born of courageous and loving immigrant parents from Central & South Americas, Paola remembers feeling she was born with a purpose, to teach. Going through school, Paola started to believe her gifts were not enough. After successfully graduating High School, obtaining a BA in Human Development from California State University, East Bay, she believed in the common fallacy that her uniqueness would only be seen and measured in academics and not through her unique creative expressions. As ambitious Paola was to please her teachers and parents, she didn’t pursue further education until after her marriage ended. Her divorce was her catalyst for her spiritual awakening.
Over the next 6 years, having vast exposure to IMW’s tele-course, being willing to be fully seen in Sacred Mystic Circles, and intentionally expressing her voice in online group coaching programs, Paola gained confidence to go in a direction that redefined what pursuing her unique calling meant to her. She continued her studies, becoming a Certified Life Coach via the Institute of Life Mastery, matriculated through the IMW Modern Day Priestess® program, delving deeper in facing her wounds, expanding her self spiritually, mentally, and emotionally while blending in her own life experiences.
To this day, she continues with devotion and commitment to remember who she really is. Enough. Whole. And, Complete.
Paola recently joined the IMW core team and serves as Business Operations Manager for the greater vision of the Institute of Modern Wisdom, as well as the new online platform for the Modern Day Priestess® Training. She is the interface, a friendly voice of IMW and MDP for tele-course enrollments, training inquiries, questions or concerns regarding anything from Sacred Mystic Journeys to teaching opportunities.
Paola likes to keep her finger on the pulse of what’s happening now and in the future with all platforms. In addition to being the Operations Manager, Paola works as liaison when you need a question answered, an appointment, or have collaborative inspired ideas to discuss with the IMW team… she’s here for you!
In addition to handling online tech-interface activities, she loves being sun-kissed, enjoys taking drives to the Pacific ocean cliffs, picking up seashells, and taking a selfie with her beautiful son Isaac.